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The art and SCIENCE

of  Screen Acting

Voice Over styles change
Keep up.

Whether you're new to the realm of voice acting, or you've been around the block once or fifty times... we'll help you get and STAY relevant.

There's lots of online Voice Over training out there.
We've heard ours is the best. More than once.

We talk the talk.

Mostly we just thought that would be a good title for a section on voice acting...

But it’s true! Our voice over teachers have bought houses by talking into a microphone. We scour the markets, keep up on the ever-changing trends, and keep in touch with decision makers to make sure that you receive direction that keeps you RELEVANT today. And we mean today. VO styles have been changing wildly in the recent past. We're talking month by month at times. But we're on top of it for you.

AND, we don’t just cover the performance aspect of this career. We give you access to some BONUS mini-courses on home studio setups and/or how to get fully "Source Connect capable".

Pick your poison

We offer both "Flex-Coaching" and "Weekly Live ZOOM" classes. Both options give you LIVE dedicated personal guidance and feedback on your voice performances. We're here for you!

Totally new to this? Always wanted to add another tool to your acting shed? People tell you you've got a great voice? Heck, even if you've got a terrible voice it doesn't matter... because in the current state of affairs, it's all about the READ; and REAL voices can outshine great ones. INTRODUCTION TO VOICE OVER & Flex-Coaching is what you're looking for.

Have years of experience in voice over? Out there actively auditioning and landing jobs? Have some previous VO classes under your belt? Already have a workable home VO setup and wanna step up your reads? ADVANCED VOICE OVER  and  WORKSHOPS are live weekly or one-day zoom classes that meet you where you are at and can be taken as many times as you like. Continue to grow your skills and realign to current trends.

​Click on a course below to learn more...

If any class is full, ​jump on the WAITLIST.
We really do see movement on the waitlists, and we can sometimes add a new class!

Introduction to Voice Over w/ Flex Coaching

THE best way to take a serious step forward into your voice-over career. Get direct feedback from our coaches with our flex-coached assignments, hop on live Zoom calls for direct live feedback with the included two free months of The Practice, and enjoy the ability to work through material at YOUR pace.  There is no rigid weekly schedule for this course, but you get all the benefits of teacher feedback in BOTH live and asynchronous settings, all while tackling more assignments and lessons than we could ever jam into a 6 week class!

Free Self Directed Mini-Course

Voice-Over 101

Free Online Mini-Course

Learn what it takes to build a career in VO, and how to record, edit, and share a professional VO audition.

Access Now!

One on One Coaching Options

We've got some of the best coaches in the business. Click on the options below to learn more.

Remote Coaching - pricing options

Bring your wishes to the table. Work on what ever we'd work on in an in person coaching - but in an online Zoom meeting or audio connection.


1 hour private coaching $90.00
30 min private coaching $50.00
3 pack - 3 one hour sessions with one coach $250.00 
4 pack – 2 one hour sessions with Robyn & 2 with Jen $340.00

Click HERE to learn more and to contact a coach.

Audition Reviews - $25
  • Don't have time for a coaching?
  • Can't budget in a full hour's coaching fee?

Send us your self-recorded audition. We will send you back a review as we listen through your work and give notes on how you can make your next takes shine.

 You MUST email us to confirm availability BEFORE sending over your clip(s)!

Click to learn more and to contact a coach.

Voice actor?
You should workout more...

(your voice, that is.)

We host the most robust ONLINE ACTING COMMUNITY imaginable. Connect with other VO actors. Jump into ongoing workout groups. Push each other to succeed. Find guidance from our teachers.

If you don't have the time or resources to jump into one of our course offerings, at least keep ACTING. We can help with that - at a price that won't break the bank.

Explore "The Practice"

Hear what our students have to say about our Voice-Over Classes:

Kelly Nesheim

"Jen and Robyn are so welcoming and informative! Their insight and different approaches to voiceover really helped me learn how to analyze scripts and embrace the unique qualities of my own voice. I've taken the Intro to VO and Advanced VO classes and really love the online format, it allows for more time to work on scripts during class. You get to learn mic techniques, breaking down scripts, and the ins and outs of working as a voiceover actor. Robyn and Jen really set you up for success! Since taking VO classes with them, I've made a demo and have gotten VO representation. I'll definitely be taking classes with them again."

    Katharine Jordan

"If you are looking to get into Audiobooks this will answer many of your questions about the business. Audiobooks have been something I have been considering for some time, but I felt I just didn't know enough to jump in confidently. I am so grateful Lisa was willing to share her wealth of knowledge, which she has gathered through many years of experience in the business. She was able to answer all our questions and give great feedback to the sample readings we worked on in class. This is an amazing workshop with a ton of  valuable information on many different facets of the work that goes into audiobooks and elements of the industry. A worthwhile afternoon for someone without the time to dedicate to a full session of classes."

Christopher V.

"Three great people helmed my class.  Robyn, Jennifer and Sean - you guys Really put in a great effort.  Best part is the stuff you bring is pure awesome.  Thank you for hosting this and working so hard to help us in our studies."

Freddie Mercury

"I never took class at The Green Room. But I am curious to see if you are actually reading this. I've got my eye on you."